I want to be an Engineer
Afterschool Program
Exposing students to engineers across different industries while teaching students technical skills.
I want to be an Engineer (IWTBAE) is a hands-on afterschool program for students in elementary and middle school to learn about engineering careers. We focus on teaching students that engineers aren’t only behind a computer, but building, designing, and innovating.
Students will build:
Heartbeat sensor
Mini microphone
3D print jewelry
Make a traffic light
Detect obstacles
And more!
Designed for elementary (crafts) and middle school (design) students.

Program Components
Exposure of Engineering
Craft based activities for elementary students
Design based activities for middle school students
Career Exploration
Recommended Structure
The structure can be adjusted for different school districts.
12 - 16 Week Afterschool Program. Designed to continue from August 16th - December 20th
6 Classes per Industry (3 weeks). Includes an intro, multiple activities, and a summary.
Engineer / Company Interview at the end of each Industry
Multiple Presentations and Showcases throughout! To rebuild public speaking skills while building confidence and compotence.
Technology used in our Courses
Including, but not limited to:
3D printing
3D design software
Circuits software
Coding (C based and drag+drop)