Join our 2021 Board!


Are you a professional that has strategic expertise?

Do you share our love in impacting the next generation while promoting confidence and competence?

Do you have skillsets outside of engineering that can help us grow as organization?

Then we’re looking for you!


Help us reach our next organizational milestone

There are many factors that turn an organization from an enthusiastic team to a reliable and trusted brand. We’re ready to make that jump, but we will need help from amazing professionals like you.

We need your help to fulfil our vision of creating a community of technical talent.

While our main work is centered around summer programming, we are looking for a team to help us year round as we develop relations with foundations, companies, and the broader community of students.


Where is HAKing Innovation going in 2021?

We plan to focus on the following themes for 2021 (Subject to change)

  • Organizational Data for decision making

  • Program Design (Ideas for teaching innovative topics at scale)

  • Innovative corporate partnerships

  • Balance and optimize organization’s operational workload

  • Marketing and PR for organization Awareness

What is expected of you?

Every board is different, but we have an initial thought on how we would like our board to function. this specific call is for strategic board members that have non profit experience or have professional accolades to help us push our organization forward.

Board members will serve a 1 year term from Jan 2021 to December 2021

Time committment ~4 hours per month

Board members will be required to attend at minimum a monthly zoom call

The busiest time of year will be from January to June

Summer preparation including hiring and developing college interns, securing summer programming, and creating corporate partnerships.

What you will receive

We want this experience to be mutually beneficial.

Business leadership experience managing strategic goals

learn Engineering and product design and concepts

entrepreneruship skills

Tangible impact on the future generations

We’re intentional on hiring students in order to prepare them for a career in engineering. We’ve already seen 6+ interns leave HAK for a corporate/academic research opportunity.

Not sure if this role is for you?

If you’re on the edge, consider being a volunteer. You can still use the same form below, just check the box marked volunteer and we can dialogue more.

Excited? Start Below